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We are open: From 12:00 Tue-Fri / From 15:00 Sat Closed Sunday and Monday

Matseðillinn á EIRIKSSON BRASSERIE er í evrópskum matargerðarstíl þar sem sérstök áhersla er lögð á ítalska matargerð. Glæsilegur vínkjallari hússins, staðsettur í gömlu peningageymslunum skapar óviðjafnanlega stemningu. Þar er að finna fágætt safn vína sem samanstendur af um 4000 flöskum sem margar hverjar eru ófáanlega á almennum markaði. Í peningageymslunum er einkaherbergi sem hægt er að panta og þar er dekrað við gesti í mat og drykk. 20% afsláttur þegar sótt er. Orders: 419 1777 EIRIKSSON BRASSERIE is a brand new restaurant in downtown Reykjavík, located at Laugavegur 77, a famous redesigned building formerly owned by Landsbanki Íslands. Substantial changes were made to the building at the end of 2018 under the supervision of Italian design company Design Group Italia who transformed a former bank branch into a classy and cozy Brasserie! At the frontline of this newest addition to the sprawling Reykjavík restaurant scene are husband and wife Friðgeir Ingi Eiríksson and Sara Dögg Ólafsdóttir, Friðgeir´s father, Eiríkur Ingi Friðgeirsson along with Birgir Már Ragnarsson and Silja Hrund Júlíusdóttir. Friðgeir Ingi, Sara and Friðgeir sr. are well known in the Icelandic restaurant business as they used to manage Hótel Holt and Gallery Restaurant for many years in addition to running Viðeyjarstofa from 2010. Friðgeir used to be head chef at Domain de Clairefontaine, a Michelin star restaurant in Lyon, France. When it comes to food and service, Friðgeir and his father have made a name for themselves in Iceland and abroad as the Icelandic representatives in Bocuse D´or, the World Cup of chefs, along with TV consultation.

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